Alamo Hills Home Insurance

Alamo Hills Home Insurance


Alamo Hills Home Insurance – The Challenge


The Alamo Hills are a beautiful location in Northern California. Although close to Walnut Creek, San Francisco, and other Bay Area attractions the Alamo Hills offer a relaxing remote feeling not easily attained elsewhere. However, the remote features that make the area so attractive also make it challenging to obtain homeowners insurance. 

Hillside Slope: Carriers and underwriters often look at the slope of the hill that the home is built on. This is due largely to the ability and pace that fires can spread up a hill or through a canyon.

Foundation Type: Certain homes built in the Alamo Hills have specialty foundations which allow for them to be perched on the hillside. Post and Pier foundations are common, and not all carriers like them.

Brush: Dry brush is a huge factor, and hilly areas tend to have higher concentrations of brush. Brush is essentially fuel for fire, the more brush the hotter and faster the fire will be. These days, carriers have advanced brush mapping technology.

Access: When a home is higher in the Alamo Hills response times from the fire department are longer. In addition roads can narrow, making it hard for larger trucks to gain access.

Alamo Hills Home Insurance – The Solution


The agents at Stone Creek Insurance Agency are fully trained in assessing homes in the Alamo Hills. They gather the appropriate information from you, and work with online resources that provide additional details to fully assess the property and unique requirements. Because the agents understand the area, they have great rapport with carrier underwriters. When underwriting approval is required this knowledge and agency reputation can make a policy happen that may otherwise be declined.

In certain situations, working with a specialty carrier may be the best option. Specialty carriers have broader appetites for properties that are deemed to have a higher risk of loss.

Alamo Hills Home Insurance – Summary


When searching for home insurance in the Alamo Hills there are several challenges that you may face. From changing carrier appetites, who may have insured your home for years, to high risk brush areas home insurance can be a challenge. Luckily the agents at Stone Creek Insurance are local and have a great understanding of the area. In addition, they write more than home insurance in the case that you would like to package your policies.

Have a question? Would you like a quote? Feel free to call us at 866-500-4991 or 925-297-4202. Also, the banner on the right is a great place to get started if you prefer to initiate your request online.

All information is general in nature and is intended to provide guidance only. It is up to you to request specific coverage options, the agency and agent do not bear this responsibility. Always read the policy if there is a questions about coverage or a claim. If any information herein should conflict with your actual policy’s specific language, the policy language will be controlling.

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